+33 6 60 28 98 57‬


Monday to Sunday 8am-10pm. At your home 7/7

Qi Nei Tsang literally means « working with the internal organ’s energy ». This massage has been given for thousand of years by Taoist monks in hermitages of the sacred mountain in China. It as a « natural detoxifier » which allows a deep spiritual work. Very early in their practice, they have discovered the connection between negative emotions, energetic imbalances, and internal obstructions.


Nowadays, our life is far removed from the Taoist monk’s lifestyle ! Many factors can cause imbalance, such as : daily stress, emotional and physical shocks, poor diet, pollution, toxicity, bad posture… They can all lead to internal obstructions, and in the long run, severe diseases.

Qi Nei Tsang massage sequences

Every session starts with a conversation in order to establish an energetic, physical and emotional diagnosis. Talking will bring your first release. Then we start the abdomen massage. The movements are slow and deep, synchronized with the rhythm of your breath. The precision and fluidity of movements help you disconnect from your daily life and at the same time, make a connection in the heart of your emotional memories. You may certainly feel strong body tensions, as they represent the blockages, but they slowly disappear. During the session, you experience a deep release, relaxation, your breath slows down.

I have to admit that this is one of the MOST LIBERATING techniques.

It allows to be in touch with your own body, which leads to personal growth.

3 sessions are necessary for a deep and real work.

For whom ?

  • If you are in a spiritual path, doing personal development
  • If you have digestive issues
  • If you are anxious, stressed, going through depressive states.
  • If you have chronic pain, if you are tired

To summarize the Qi Nei Tsang benefits

  • Progessively releases emotions and tensions in our organs
  • Detoxifies and boosts the whole body
  • Activates the immune system, along with lymphatic and circulatory systems
  • Brings vitality
  • Harmonizes body and mind
  • Brings an inner bliss and peacefulness.
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