+33 6 60 28 98 57‬


Monday to Sunday 8am-10pm. At your home 7/7

ACULIFTING is an Ancestral technique  dating back to the Ming period  (1268-1664) in China. Today, we rediscover this ancestral method of preserving youth.


ACULIFTING is a naturel method of esthetic Acupuncture. A soft rejuvenating technic with out pain which act on the skin muscles of the face by tonifying and giving back radiance, reducing wrinkles and lines. Lifting by acupuncture offers an alternative botox and hyaluronic acid. A treatment made to mesure without invasive intervention. The result on the face are spectacular

Aculifting technique goes beyond a «  simple » esthetic care, it’s also acts on the organism’s global energy. If energy doesn’t circulate properly or stagnate then, certain symptoms appears or worth a sickness. Estetically, it’s exactly the same : dysfonction may  bring on cutaneous sagging a dehydration, reduced collagen production, appearance of rosacea and dark ring under eyes…

All the above are rectified by placing thin needles on the face on specific acupuncture points or on strategic zones like muscles insertions. The objet being to stimulate blood circulation, reactivate energy circulation, stimulate collagen and elastin fibers production. Muscles thus nourished will be more tonic.

Séance de lifting par acupuncture
aculifting treatment